Alteryx Inspire 2024 logo against photo of Las Vegas at night


Sherif Said, SIG’s VP Sales, was a speaker at Alteryx’s Inspire 2024! Conference at the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas. Sherif and Jade Pech, FAA Data Scientist, presented a collaborative session “Data without Fences,” about how SIG and the FAA are leveraging Alteryx to revolutionize data operations and promote data literacy agency-wide. The session was attended by 197 individuals, including representatives from the DOT, VA, USDA, DOE, and NASA; government contractors; universities; hospital systems; and many private-sector companies.

At the FAA, SIG is performing multiple data integration, data warehouse, and dashboard development projects in areas such as Fleet Management, Budget Infrastructure Law (BIL) Funds Management, and Status of the Agency (spending by organization, group, and dollars). We use Alteryx to extract, transform, and consolidate data from multiple disparate sources and create custom dashboard views, reports, and geographical information system (GIS) mapping. This has greatly enhanced FAA’s data analytics capabilities by correlating data from a broad range of sources. The systems also enable analysts to create their own projects and ad-hoc reports using analytic tools. In collaboration with FAA and our partner Alteryx, SIG has helped to empower users through training and increase user adoption.

Sherif Said, SIG VP Sales, and Jade Pech, FAA Data Scientist, speaking at Alteryx Inspire 2024
Sherif Said, SIG VP Sales, and Jade Pech, FAA Data Scientist, and attendees, at Alteryx Inspire 2024
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